Wednesday, July 28, 2010


best new horror movie i've seen in ages. featuring this old chestnut:


  1. everyone i've talked to about this movie keeps saying how fucking hot the main girl is, like they can't get over it and shit. i don't know, she's ok, if she was in the room at a party i'd probably be like "holy shit that girl is hot", but she's not 100% blowing my mind. too thin? anyway, the movie is great, a pure homage to what made horror movies good in the 80's. things get a little too rob zombie towards the end, but A for effort...

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  3. I guess I just didn't get it. I really didn't enjoy this movie at all--and I love the era it was paying homage to. It was so boring and the main character was incredibly stupid in an astonishingly unbelievable way.

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  5. fair enough, fair enough...
    you're totally right, nothing really happens in the first three quarters of the movie, then it's all "house of 1000 corpses" for a minute, then it's over. i guess i just liked the fact that they were trying to go for something different than every other horror movie that comes out these days. maybe i just liked the opening and closing credits more than anything. have you noticed that every fucking new horror movie has the same opening credit sequence? there's always grainy footage of "the massacre at the insane asylum" or whatever and newspaper clippings and shit trying to fill in background on the story that they didn't get around to in the actual movie. lazy bullshit. and what about the whole "diary of a madman" thing that's in pretty much every movie? where one of the characters stumbles upon a book or diary filled with disturbing psycho scrawl and weird drawings and shit like that. just another lazy attempt to add some background or explanation to the plot. i ain't having it! come up with some new material, people! anyway...
